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prachi patil
3 min read
Crafting an Effective Business Strategy for Sustainability
Sustainability stands as a driving force behind transformative initiatives across various industries. The mounting pressure from...

prachi patil
2 min read
The Right Way to Navigate Cost Reduction: Prioritizing Process Improvement
In today's challenging economic landscape, businesses face the dual challenge of rising inflation rates and escalating expenses. Business...

prachi patil
2 min read
Would paying 25 cents for a to-go coffee cup make you bring your reusable coffee mug?
Sustainable Living
Would paying 25 cents for a to-go coffee cup make you bring your own cup?

prachi patil
1 min read
Oversized product packaging versus Sustainability?
I recently purchased a fruit snack that served tiny pieces of dried pineapple. It is indeed a delicious product, but comparing the size...

prachi patil
2 min read
Western Digital factory named World Economic Forum Sustainability Lighthouse
Adoption of 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) technologies to accelerate on the path of sustainability

prachi patil
2 min read
How to capture the potential of the circular economy?
Many of the larger product-based companies have invested to put in place circular supply chains for recovery and recycling. But to fully...

prachi patil
1 min read
Circling Success - Circular Business Models
According to Accenture Strategy Research, 94% of companies surveyed, report implementing elements of circular supply chains. Out of which...

prachi patil
2 min read
Creating value from waste
With a passion for creating value for things that have been labeled useless, Fruitleather Rotterdam based in The Netherlands has placed...

prachi patil
2 min read
SMART DRONES that deliver life-saving medical supplies
On-demand delivery of medical services is crucial during emergencies and disaster relief scenarios. Zipline is one such company that...

prachi patil
2 min read
Brewing Data With Coffee - Starbucks
Starbucks investments in customer-centric innovations have helped them identify their sweet spot and achieve a competitive advantage....

prachi patil
2 min read
How John Deere is leveraging AI, IoT, and data analytics?
John Deere is a global leader in agricultural machinery manufacturing and for many of us, this name recalls bright green and yellow...

prachi patil
3 min read
2004 financial crisis: The transition of LEGO from survival to growth
The Lego Group began manufacturing the interlocking toy bricks in 1949. It is a renowned Danish brand in construction toys known for its...

prachi patil
2 min read
Scenario planning – tool for uncertain future
During uncertain economic situations when long-term business planning fails, companies need to be resilient and adapt to survive in the...

prachi patil
4 min read
What should have been Segway's business strategy?
In December 2001, an American inventor Dean Kamen launched Segway PT- Personal Transporter, the world’s first self-balancing...

prachi patil
2 min read
Business Lessons From Instagram
In 2009 Kevin Systrom, a 27-year-old Stanford Graduate coded an app called “burbn” as a side hobby. His only intention was to build a...

prachi patil
2 min read
Why do companies have difficulty with strategy?
A Strategy isn’t a goal. A Strategy isn’t operational effectiveness. It is neither a business process re-engineering nor bench-marking.
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